Optimizing nutrition for a lifetime of health

At The Healing Gardens, we use nutritional medicine as the forefront of our care. Our highly trained nutritionists and physicians help patients make healthy whole-food choices that support healing and optimal health. We’ll do whatever it takes to help patients develop healthy dietary habits, identify your specific needs, and assist in creating a complete lifestyle and diet plan. We offer in depth nutritional testing and if necessary we create personalized IV nutritional therapies. This includes Myers infusions, NAD, high and dose IV vitamin C.

Giving your body what it needs to heal

Nutrition is the essence and foundation of health. All bodily functions depend on vital energy and nutrients from healthy living foods. When we optimize nutrition we empower the body to heal itself.

Our nutrition therapy services

  • Testing for nutritional deficiencies and imbalances

  • Developing customized Nutritional diet plans

  • Administering specialized treatments such as vitamin infusions

  • Educating people about following a whole foods diet and avoiding processed foods

  • Helping people learn to shop for Real Food, read food labels, prepare new foods or prepare foods differently

  • Finding support for people to help with shopping and cooking, if necessary

  • Providing online resources about nutrition therapy for specific health conditions

A scientific approach to nutrition therapy

We frequently perform lab tests for nutritional deficiencies to analyze a patient’s intracellular nutrient status at a given point in time. If the tests reveal deficiencies, we help people make diet changes and may recommend nutraceuticals, medical foods and sometimes even I.V. therapy. These tests also enable us to to track changes in nutritional status over time and adjust our treatment plans accordingly.

Infusions & supplementation to restore nutrient balance

We offer Myers vitamin infusions and other tailor-made infusions to help patients reduce individual nutritional deficiencies, closely monitoring changes until the deficiencies resolve.

Our Medicinal Store and Holistic pharmacy

The physicians at The Healing Gardens thoroughly research and select the wide range of supplements, functional foods, remedies and treatments available through our Medicinal Store, which is open to the public.

Nutrition Specialists